love God - to know & be more like Him
Are you wondering what this all means for you personally, or even for your family? You're not alone... we're asking those same questions!
We're not created to do life all on our own, so we have Life Groups. that way we can be sure we're taking the journey with the support of like-minded, caring people
You've just make the big call to step into a life of faith... what are the next steps
We pray because life is precarious. We pray because life is marvelous. We pray because we find ourselves at a loss for many things, but not for the simplest words like “please,” “thank you,” “wow,” and “help.” - Pete Greig
What does it look like to be a part of a gathered worshipping community of people who care & support each other
This is the annual challenge to deny yourself in order to save financially & donate that blessing to those in need through the international work of The Salvation Army

Do you have questions about faith? Are you wondering what this all means for you personally, or even for your family? You're not alone... we're asking those same questions!
At Tweed Salvos we've got a couple of ways we can journey together to discover those answers as a part of a supportive & inclusive community heading down the same path.
Check out what's going on at our place & let us know how best we can support you through your investigation of faith
ALPHA course
The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening and friendly environment. Attendees are invited to ask questions about the existence of God and the purpose of life. If you are seeking to discover what the Christian faith is all about or would like to refresh your understanding of the Christian faith, this is the course for you.
This course runs on a Wednesday night for an 90mins (including dinner) over 8 weeks at the Tweed Salvos - Centre in Banora Point. If you're interested in more information, send us an inquiry through - contact us
Sunday Worship
Sunday mornings, at 10am (NSW), our community gathers together to support each other, hear teaching on how faith in God impacts our lives today & share in worship. Sunday worship is open to those who have no faith, those investigating faith or those who've been on the journey a long time.
We recognise that it can be daunting to come on your own for the first time. If that sounds like you, get in touch & we'll have someone reach out in the week before, as well as meet you at the door & show you around. Just send us a message & we'll get in touch. - contact us
Meet with a TWEED SALVOS leader
If you're not ready to walk through the door but would like to hear more about about faith or Tweed Salvos, reach out. let us know & one of our church leaders will touch base will you to have a chat. you can check out who the leaders are at Tweed Salvos on our about us page, then send us a message & one of them will be in touch soon - contact us
Online Messages
One of the easiest ways to learn what Tweed Salvos Teaches about faith is by checking out their Online Messages via Youtube. Here, you will be able to hear the record message from each Sunday. Just head to Youtube & search for @tweedsalvos to check them out, or click here...
new to faith

next steps...
You've made an amazing decision to follow Jesus & you're wondering... what's next.
head to our Youtube page to what a short series of clips that give you some helpful advice on what next steps you can take on this new faith pathway
attend a Tweed Salvos discipleship information class that gives to some more info on the basics of Christian living
join a life group. We're not created to do life all on our own, so we have Life Groups. That way we can be sure we're taking the journey with the support of like-minded, caring people

meet the family...
Sunday mornings, at 10am (NSW), our community gathers together to support each other, hear teaching on how faith in God impacts our lives today & share in worship. Sunday worship is open to those who have no faith, those investigating faith or those who've been on the journey a long time.
We are family... we love & care for every member of it. We forgive one another when they annoy us, we share in their joy in the good times & wrap our arms around them in the bad. We pick them up when they fall, support them when they struggle & let them help when it's us that needs it.
For some, it can be daunting to come on your own for the first time. If that sounds like you, get in touch & we'll have someone reach out in the week before, as well as meet you at the door & show you around. Just send us a message & we'll get in touch. - contact us
If you want some more details on our life-groups or would like to go but prefer not to go alone, just send us a message with your details, including the particular life-group time that works for you & one of the co-ordinators will be in touch soon - contact us

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian faith. It's a big way that we connect with God. We believe that he is intimately interested in what we have to say & wants to be a part of the conversation.
We also believe that prayer changes things. The Bible says, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7 - New Living Translation)
In talking with God we have someone that gets us. In book of Hebrews (chapter 4, verses 15-16) it reminds us that, through the experience of Jesus, God has lived just like us with all of our sadness & joy, challenges & victories, so share it with him so he can take the burden, celebrate, direct, challenge or whatever is the needed to help you become the person you were created to be.
That's why prayer is an essential part of all we do at Tweed Salvos. If you'd like to join us to pray, we have a regular prayer meeting at The Centre every Thursday between 1:30pm - 2:30pm, as well as pray as a part of our Sunday worship & life-groups, everyone is welcome. If you'd like more information or would like to send us a something that we can pray for on your behalf all you have to do is - contact us
self denial
defn' - "is an act of letting go of the self as with altruistic abstinence"
The Self Denial Appeal started in 1886 when General William Booth called Salvationists (members of The Salvation Army) to give sacrificially and to deny themselves so that they could offer God’s love to a hurting world.
The Salvation Army is now active in more than 130 countries, and the Self Denial Appeal still operates in every territory. Whether living in wealth or poverty, Salvationists from all walks of life generously support the Army’s mission to share the Gospel and improve the lives of millions of people through the love of Jesus.
In the 6 weeks prior to the Easter celebration, commonly known as lent, the challenge goes out to the international movement to give to deny themselves & gift sacrificially to make a difference in lives around the world. Each week we'll post a video of a Salvo ministry that this gift will impact as a challenge & reminder to deny self & make a difference. Just click on the weekly images to watch the amazing stories of transformation
If you'd like to make a donation towards the appeal, then you could join us & give weekly in the self denial period, you could join us for the alter service on the 6th week or you could make a donate online but clicking here > self denial <
(make sure you select Tweed Heads when making an online donation)