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Image by Tim Davies

love community - making a difference to the world we live in

Salvos aren't living their best life unless they're helping others to do the same. The Bible says the 2 greatest commandments are to 'Love God' & 'Love Others' (Mark 12:30-31)

gather community

here are some of the things Tweed salvos do to gather those in the community

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Open House Café

Open House Café is a place for anyone who wants to catch up with friends or make new ones. It's open in the Centre every Thursday, in school term, from 10:30am - 1:30pm for morning tea or lunch.

suggested donation...

coffee & cake - $4

lunch - $5

Happy Store Manager


Groovability is a ​fun & interactive program designed to teach adults with disability & children dance routines to improve fitness, movement, social connection... oh... & to have a ton of fun!


currently closed - contacts for more information


Community Garden

Tweed Salvos community garden caters for those with a green thumb or those that can't grow a thing, but just love the outdoors.  There are plenty of raised garden beds for those who find they can't get up & down like they used to.


cost - free

Tuesday & Sunday 7am - 9am


Outdoor Movie Nights

Our outdoor cinema plays a family friendly movie in each schools holiday break.  keep an eye on our Facebook or Instagram for details


cost - Free

Yoga Class

Gentle Exercise Classes

The Gentle Exercise Program is designed to build fitness & flexibility for the more mature person.  Led by local personal trainer Deb .....


cost - $5/class

Thursday 10am-10:45am

Hiking with Rain Jacket

Men's Adventure Weekends

Every month, men from the local community get together to tackle a new adventure.  Whether it's a hike through the hinterland, catching the biggest fish, trying to hit a golf ball or discovering the best coffee on the cost, we make it an adventure.


cost - various


Image by Austin Pacheco

Kindness Kids Holiday Program

The Kindness Kids Holiday Program pairs primary school children with an older adult, 1 on 1, & together they support & are supported by each other throughout the 3 day program. It runs in the Summer & Winter school holidays.


cost - $10/day


Indoor Bowls

Indoor bowls is for all skill types, including those that have never played before. Each session includes 3 games & a social morning tea.


cost - $5 entry

(includes coffee/tea & refreshments)

Tuesday 10am - 12pm

Image by Barbara Rezende

so much more...

We are always looking for more ways to gather together.. watch our socials for more details.


You got an idea? - contact us

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go to community

these are some of the things Tweed Salvos takes into the community to demonstrate care.



Through the gift of a cupcake, Salvos Cupcake Team members provide a contact point with Salvation Army services and communities where women can seek care and support, including assistance to exit the industry if they want to.

As a visible and available presence in brothels, strip clubs and other establishments, team members seek to reflect Jesus and connect with, and advocate on behalf of, vulnerable and marginalised women.

The teams listen to, care for, and build healthy and supportive relationships with the women, and with managers and receptionists in these environments, without judgement or discrimination


Emergency Services

The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are often found in the midst of crisis and disaster situations nationally and internationally. Our teams specialise in food services - providing for both displaced victims as well as the SES, emergency services and support staff that work to put-right disaster situations.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Tweed Salvos SAES team, please - contact us 

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Street Ministry

Tweed Salvos has a ministry to the local shopping centres around our community. During the week several shopping centres are visited by some of the members of Tweed Salvos to be a supportive presence to those in our community

This provides an opportunity for the locals to have a conversation with someone they know cares & has a physical point of reference when they need direction to find help, as well as being a point of contact for those who wish to donate to our work in the region.

Those that stop by will receive a friendly smile, a safe place to chat + a Warcry magazine or Kidzone for the young ones.

We're there to show we care.


Home & Hospital Visitation

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

More community missions - coming soon -

keep an eye on our website & social media for any updates & changes

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Got a suggestion?

Do you have an idea of how else the Salvos can support our community.  Maybe you are looking for someone to partner & support something that is already happening. get in touch through our social media of simply click here - contact us


watch our socials for more details.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

support community

a foundational value of The Salvation Army is to see, treat & care for, every person as a whole being - emotional, physical & spiritual - William Booth (founder of The Salvation Army) once said... “What is the use of preaching the Gospel to men whose whole attention is concentrated upon a mad, desperate struggle to keep themselves alive?”

Financial problems can affect anyone, anywhere, at any time leaving people feeling lonely, embarrassed and isolated, when debt builds up, paying your rent is hard or even buying food for your family starts to feel overwhelming. If your financial situation gives you more of an icy shiver than a warm sense of safety, help is at hand.


If you find yourself in a sudden crisis, call us. We’ll listen and support you with immediate basic needs.  Call our Salvos Phone Assistance Line team in your state who will listen to the issues you’re facing and provide you with support options.

NSW (02) 8775 7988
QLD  (07) 3001 6288


Doorways aims to support people as they seek to make changes in their lives. We believe everyone has the capacity to change and Doorways caseworkers walk alongside people as they develop plans to achieve their goals.

Casework can be undertaken either face-to-face or over the phone, depending upon your circumstances. Our service includes the provision of information, advocacy and appropriate referrals to other services.

All our services are open to all people and provided without discriminaion. There is no wrong door when seeking assistance from the Salvation Army. If we are not able to provide you with the right support, we will endeavour to put you in contact with people who can.


Every 17 seconds, The Salvation Army in Australia helps someone at one of our services or programs. This only happens because of the public’s generous support of the Red Shield Appeal.


As the impact of natural disasters, COVID-19 as well as the increased cost of living continues to affect people and families across the country, we have seen a larger demand on our services. The Salvation Army is asking you to help us leave no one in need by supporting the Red Shield Appeal.


There are lots of ways you can get involved in 2023. You can make a financial donation today, volunteer to collect or sign up as an online fundraiser through our Digital Doorknock. 


If you want to get involved - CONTACT US


The Positive Lifestyle Program (PLP) is an eight-module course used by hundreds of facilitators throughout Australia.


It takes people through a process of raising self-awareness to help participants address personal difficulties they may be unable to identify or address. Positively, PLP looks to build self-awareness, self-esteem and appropriate anger and assertiveness.


It also helps participants explore discontentment, fear, anger and fatigue, which can be involved when relationships and communication processes break down.​


The Salvation Army one of Australia’s largest providers of alcohol and other drug treatment services. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drugs, we can help.


Each of our services across Australia offer a unique program for people experiencing alcohol or drug problems. You may find that the service that best suits your needs isn't the service that's located closest to you, and that's okay. Our centres welcome people from across the country. 


         To find more information on individual programs & locations here



The Salvation Army Tweed's thrift Store is based in the beachside town of Kingscliff.


Our community generously donates good quality products that our volunteers sort, display & price for the benefit of our community & it's a benefit in more ways than one.


Our products are reasonably priced to make then financially accessible to those who find making ends meet difficult.


It also gives us the opportunity to support those who come through our emergency relief services by being able to provide some of those essential needs that are out of financial reach.


In addition, every dollar that is spent in our local store remains in our local area to find the work of the local Salvos.


You get a bargain & our community experiences the benefit!

← FAMILY STORE (Thrift Shop)

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